Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 171 - The Gods Centuries Of Intervention In The Celestial World

Chapter 171 The Gods centuries of intervention in the Celestial World

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

"Through their respective races, the Gods could intervene. They are communicating with them, using them to do their bidding!"

"But why?" Leo dubiously asked. They\'re already Gods, so why bother with the mortal beings, right?

"To win the War of Races!"

Hearing that the reason was the War of Races once again, Leo can\'t help but feel annoyed. It was this sh*tty reason again. Why is everything related to the War of Races.

"There are many Gods in the Celestial World, but only one Celestial World. Gods are immortal, so no matter what they do, they can\'t kill each other. So the thought of becoming the only remaining God in the Celestial World is impossible."

"Why do they keep on desiring to rule the Celestial World?!!" Leo solemnly asked. At first, he really thought that the War of Races was all of the races means in order to achieve peace. But, after hearing that the Gods wanted to rule the Celestial World through the War of Races, he can\'t help wanting to know the reason why.

"That, we don\'t know about yet..." Commander Ava shook her head.

"Tch!" Leo sneered.

"And why are you even telling me this?" Leo had long been curious why Commander Ava was telling him this. It wasn\'t like he is anything related to those Gods, and he also doesn\'t have any plans of joining this messy situation.

"That\'s the last part of my story. Since you want to make Leviathan your Beast Companion, then you have no choice after doing that but to join this mess. This is exactly the reason why I called you here, to warn you about this!" Commander Ava finally finished.


Leo really can\'t believe what Commander Ava just said, but he also quickly understood the reason why. Since Leviathans was tasked to fight against the Gods, as someone who wishes to have a Leviathan as his Beast Companion, then he naturally will be pulled into this mess automatically. However, that\'s too troublesome for him.

Turning his head, Leo immediately saw Levi who was now wearing a grim face while looking at him.

Levi naturally understood his situation right now. If he chooses to accept becoming Leo\'s Beast Companion, then Leo would be pulled into the mess. He can\'t be selfish, Leo doesn\'t have any inkling of reason to be a part of his own purpose of existence, so why should he pull him in. But, if he doesn\'t become Leo\'s Beast Companion, then he would be left alone to wander around the Celestial World in order for him to become powerful and finally have his revenge for his parents. He naturally doesn\'t have any problem of becoming alone, but if Leo still wanted him to become his Beast Companion, he would definitely accept that, since that\'s the same as having a helping hand to help him become much more powerful easily. And also, who even wants to be alone, right?

Levi\'s mind was now in a mess. He can\'t be selfish, but he also can\'t just be selfless. He also desires something else, and he could only achieve it easily if he has the help of others.

"I can only leave the decision to you..." Levi said as he passed this problem to Leo. He really wanted to have a ceremony with Leo and become his Beast Companion. Not just because Leo had saved him, but also because he knows for sure that it\'s also what his parents wanted him to do. But, if Leo doesn\'t want that, then he doesn\'t have any choice but to accept that, too.

Looking at Levi, Leo immediately recalled his past. If his Master Olivia didn\'t help him before, would he still be alive right now?

"Before I make any decisions, tell me first how the Gods are intervening in the Celestial World!" Leo turned to look at Commander Ava.

He decided that he will not choose any choices as long as he wasn\'t yet sure of how dire the situation was. If it\'s very troublesome, then he would wait and see, but if it\'s manageable, then he will not hesitate to make Levi his Beast Companion. Anyways, having a Leviathan as a Beast Companion would really be a huge help in his revenge in the near future.

"In your Human race, the Black organization exists, right?" Commander Ava curiously asked whether Leo knew about the Black organization or not, "Because in our Mermaid race, we instead have the Serpentine organization, the organization that believes and follows the Serpent God\'s orders!"

"They have been doing countless of plots to destroy and take over every Mermaid Kingdoms throughout the entire Celestial World. Just like the Black organization and Serpentine organization, every Gods also has their very own organization themselves that\'s doing the moving for them for many centuries now, and this is the exact reason why the War of Races existed! The Gods have been driving their respective races to fight and win. Although they cannot become the only God of the Celestial World, they can at least become the only race remaining in the Celestial World, right?"

Leo finally understood everything, "Hahahaha, so the Black organization was only doing all of those plots because the Dark God told them to do it? They..."

\'They were the ones that killed my older brother!\' Were the words that Leo really wanted to say but quickly decided not to. Commander Ava doesn\'t need to know about such a thing, so there is no need to mention anything about it.

His reason for blaming the Black organization for his older brother\'s death started after the case in the Royal Court. Later after that day, he realized that the Crystal Skull Noble Household was actually not aware of Richton\'s plan to kill his older brother. So, he came to the conclusion that the only way for Richton to kill his older brother was through the help of the Black organization, which he is a member of. And the Black organization would naturally agree to that since they were in their mission to take over the entire Silver Kingdom, which simply means his older brother died because of the Dark God\'s order of taking over every Human Empires and Kingdom.

No! To be more exact, all of the Gods are also partly blamed for his parents\' death. It was those Gods that had caused the War of Races, so they are obviously responsible for the deaths of everyone that participated in the War of Races.

Leo looked up the sky, as his eyes turned really sharp as he thought, "Just because you want to take over the entire Celestial World, you turned my life into living hell!"

"So what is your choice?!" Commander Ava asked. Now that she finally said the words that Leo was entitled to know, it was now time for him to decide whether he would still go into a ceremony with Levi and make him his Beast Companion, or just forget about it.

Levi stared at Leo, his eyes full of hope. He obviously prefers Leo over anything else, since it was Leo who had done everything to save him.

"Choice? Hahahaha, there is no need for that, I will make Levi my Beast Companion no matter what!" Leo replied with decisiveness.

Levi can\'t help flying around the place joyously as soon as he heard Leo\'s decision.

"Why?" Commander Ava curiously asked, "Maybe you don\'t understand my words clearly, I can explain further so that your life will not be dragged into a really dangerous mess!"

"No need! I\'m very clear about it. Making Levi my Beast Companion simply means that I will be battling with those Gods." Leo shook his head with a smile. There was nothing hard to understand from Commander Ava\'s words.

"When the sun and moon no longer rises, when there is only darkness that covers the entire Celestial World, I will come with the Leviathans to fight against those Gods."

"You..." Commander Ava really can\'t believe what she just heard. It\'s either Leo was crazy and insane or he is just plain ignorant, stupid, and hasn\'t understood fully well what she really meant about.

"You don\'t have to worry... This is my life, I choose what I want to live! And besides, those Gods is the reason why my life was turned upside down!" Leo explained.

"Yeah..." Commander Ava heaves a sigh of helplessness, "You can now leave! Just wait for a few moments, I will prepare my men. And that book just leaves it on the table before going out, since you don\'t need it anymore."

Leo nodded his head, put the book at the side, before quickly dashing out of the room in fear of Commander Ava might suddenly change her mind.

"Leo!" Teacher Homer immediately called out worryingly as soon as he saw Leo dashing out of the palace safe and sound, "What did they do to you?"

"Nothing... Commander Ava just talked with me about some important things. By the way, let\'s start preparing. She said that her men would be ready in a bit!" Leo said.

"That\'s great!" Teacher Homer can\'t help but to clench his fist because he was finally able to help his friends. He had always been feeling guilty that he had left everyone and that he had chosen to survive alone instead because he is the weakest amongst all the teachers.

"Let\'s go to the others!" Teacher Homer said as he took Leo back to their boat.


Meanwhile, back at Commander Ava\'s palace, a man covered in a black cloak slowly walks out of the darkness.

"You\'re younger brother is really like you! You both are stubborn to the bone!" Commander Ava said annoyingly, "No matter how hard I persuade him, he still choose the dangerous path forward!"

"What can I say? It runs in our blood! Even our parents didn\'t care about us due to their stubbornness to stop the War of Races. They didn\'t even leave anything for us... I mean to my younger brother. When they died, aside from mountains of responsibilities, they didn\'t even leave a single cent or something that will help my younger brother in his road to being a Mage, aysttt... my younger brother was really pitiful because of my parents\' uncaring character! Fortunately, my wife Olivia thought of helping my younger brother."

"Speak of yourself! You even left your younger brother when he was still 8 years old! You basically fake your death and went into hiding, heartlessly making him suffer afterward. So, you don\'t have the right to speak badly about your parents!" Commander Ava rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, when are you planning to reveal yourself?" Commander Ava can\'t help but ask.

The man in front of Commander Ava right now was Reinhart, Leo\'s older brother.

Truth be told, Reinhart had always been secretly following Leo ever since he steps out of Silver city to go to Floating Mountain, and from Floating Mountain to Blue Fin Kingdom West Fortress. It was the exact reason why a scout immediately found the boat that Leo was on when they arrived 10 kilometers away from the West Fortress. In such a far distance, who would even bother sending a scout over there, right? Especially since that place is the Shark Cemetery, so no one would even think that there would be people capable of crossing it.

"Vladimir is coming to Silver Kingdom, so there is no need for me to reveal myself as of this moment yet..." Reinhart shook his head helplessly. He really wanted to reveal himself, so that he can finally reunite with Leo and his wife Olivia, but sadly Vladimir, the President of Sword and Magic, still forbids him to do so, saying that Sword and Magic can\'t reveal any clue to what they\'re really planning about.

"Our President is also like you, when would his stubbornness to hide his secrets ever end? I want to leave this place as soon as possible and go on an adventure like we usually do!" Commander Ava exclaimed as she hands a juice to Reinhart.

"I also don\'t know! Throughout the years after saving me, he still hasn\'t even revealed an inkling of the reason why he did it! He only sent me to investigate some stuff and nothing else..." Reinhart replied as he drank the juice that Commander Ava had handed to him while looking at the window, specifically towards the direction of his younger brother.

"Let\'s hope your younger brother\'s decision would be a wise choice..." Commander Ava said.

"Oh, it will!" Reinhart said as he suddenly disappeared, leaving only an empty glass on the table.

"Why did I even ask that... even if your younger brother\'s decision is wrong, you will definitely do something to his life in order to fix it!" Commander Ava said as she slowly walked out of the room.

Commander Ava was aware of a lot of things about Reinhart. Such as, everything that is happening to Leo\'s life right now was within the control of his older brother Reinhart. Even the arrival of Olivia, his own wife, was set into stone by him, specifically, he faked his death on his way to Silver Kingdom in order to make Olivia investigate over the Silver Kingdom, hence also making her save his younger brother from any dangerous situation in the process.

Not only that, even the Red Cube choosing Leo, Leo\'s memory lost about his fiancée Elizabeth, Olivia establishing the Mischievous Lion organization, Olivia training Leo in a ruthless way, and Madam Silva meeting Leo was all within his plan, too.

All of it was done in order to prepare Leo for the Fate he was Destined to walk.

As his older brother, Reinhart naturally can\'t just let Leo do something he wasn\'t prepared about. From the very beginning, he was against such a future for his beloved younger brother.. However, because it was Leo\'s Destiny due to the Red Cube choosing him, he can only choose to prepare him for it.

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